Black locust is popular for fence posts because its resistant to rot. This tree can sucker to the point of forming colonies. With a lot of hard work, ive managed to get some very nice lumber out of them. Black locust wood blocks and woodturning blanks north woods figured wood. True black locust species are all in the robinia genus. Overall tree growth is impacted, but not seriously. Thinking also about maintenance and durability, as even a treated pine deck doesnt really last that long here in the south, considering using black locust that i grow on my own property as the primary material for both frame and deck, and the fact that itll grow right back. Home duck and goose supplies barrel turning blanks wood turning blanks black locust turning blank. For the botanically inclined, black locust is known as robinia pseudoacacia. We burned some earlier in january and burned the last of it last night except for a couple small pieces.
The firewood btu rating charts below give a comparison between different firewood types. Responds very well to both lathe turning and steam bending. This is usda hardiness zone 6b, with good clay based topsoil, and 4560yr of precipitation. It makes great fence posts, but its a far superior wood to white oak, hickory, hard maple, walnut, or cherry for furniture and boat building. Black locust has been spread and used as a plant for erosion control as it is fast growing and generally a tough tree. The leaf miner attacks the tree in spring, turning the leaves brown by midsummer or early fall. Black locust excels in hardness and durability, so pioneers cut it for fence posts. Native to eastern and southern parts of the united states. Black locust wood blocks and woodturning blanks north woods. The wood, considered the most durable wood in north america, has been very desirable and motivated people to move the tree to areas where it is not native so the wood can be farmed and used. Many people have turned to herbicides to help control the spread of the black locust and the results have been mixed. Watch to the end, and youll know everything you could possibly want to know. I would like to coppice some black locust trees robinia pseudoacacia for fence post production.
Find a large selection of exotic wood blanks, domestic wood blanks and more at rockler. This can help you decide what the best firewood type is for your needs. Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, black locust has been reported to cause eye and skin irritation. Ive turned 3 of the small pieces 8 or so, theyll be twiceturned. Drying whole logs woodworking talk woodworkers forum. Wood turning locust bowl interesting grain youtube. So, thanks to etiger thanks ed, we got some black locust.
Woods covers how to turn black locust, a species offered at north woods figured woods. The hot, long lasting fire it produces makes it a popular choice for anyone who. Black locust grows right alongside oaks, cottonwoods, and other riparian species, and crowds them out. Its also a renewable resource for them since its so easy to regrow. If youve ever had the displeasure of trying to remove locust fence posts, you will know what i mean. The wood is weak and brittle, subject to storm damage. However, if youre new to burning wood as a heat source for.
It is a simple shape and i feel the grain really stands out in this one. Ive seen pictures of ne bowls from black locust with the bark, but wow the bark on these pieces is really thick and hilly. Black locust is hard to control due to its rapid growth and clonal spread. Ingestion results in both gastrointestinal and neurological effects which are particularly acute in horses and may be fatal. Our black locust woodturning bowl blanks and pen blanks are loved by woodworkers for their stunning figuring and bold patterns.
Black locust wood blocks and woodturning blanks north. Black locust can grow up to 100 ft in height and honeylocust up to 80 ft. This green hue gradually turns to a rich goldenbrown with age. It is endemic to a few small areas of the united states, but it has been widely planted and naturalized elsewhere in temperate north america, europe, southern africa and asia and is considered an invasive species in some areas. The biggest problem ive run into with this black locust isnt how hard the wood is but its horrible tendency to move and crack. Another locust wood, honey locust gleditsia triacanthos, also of the family. This past month i burned black locust, and i have to tell you guys, the locust didnt. The leaflets, arranged in two rows opposite each other on the rachis, can be as large as the 1 to 2inch leaves of honey locust and black locust or an inch long, like those of water locust. Its also slow to catch fire and it requires seasoned wood close by to keep it going.
Freshly chopped firewood has up to 50% water content and wont burn in your fireplace. In the past we have supplied black locust as large 12. In this episode, we dig into the details of heat output, coaling properties and more. Black locust is commonly called honeylocust by many people across the us according to the usda center for wood anatomy research, and vice versa. Mowing or cutting the black locust to help control the spread can be a difficult task. Black locust is a deciduous, mediumsized tree ranging in height from 1225 m 4082 ft and 3060 cm 1224 in in. Black locust tree chemical free rot resistant wood.
Navy, while its fragrant blossoms brought ornament to the gardens of washington and jefferson yet today, few americans. Jun 24, 2016 a dead standing black locust burl tree we had the opportunity to process into turning craft blocks for wood artisans. I was considering waiting a bit to cut up some of these black locust billets i got, just so i could have time to think of what i wanted to make from them, because then id know whether to cut big 4 x 4 lengths, or go all 1 planks. You can click on the different types of firewood in the chart to learn more about them.
It allows wood to dry over the summer months, seasoning in time for colder weather. Les from north woods figured woods covers how to turn black locust, a species offered at north woods figured woods. I split my black locust very small about half of what you did. How to stop locust trees from spreading home guides sf. It seems to dry very well here over thr course of the spring, summer and fall making a great firewood for my wood burning stove. Turning a small bowl from a piece of black locust rescued from a log discarded on the side of the road. Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly known in its native territory as black locust, is a.
I guess the simple answer is to come some of each and have a variety, and at least get them started drying. You seem to have described the strong smell as freshly cut grass perfectly. The black locust is a medium sized tree and will reach a height of 80 feet. Its such an aggressive, persistant tree that it continually replants itself. Black locust the wood database lumber identification. This tree is useful but underutilized for lumber, poles, wood fiber, land reclamation, beekeeping, fuel and forage. It burns clean and it burns long but it produces little heat. Most importantly, black locust pores are always full of tylosis whereas honey locust does not have tylosis. Only about 10% of all black locust logs found in this area end up producing veneer grade material. Firewood btu ratings charts for common tree species.
How to tell when firewood is seasoned farm and dairy. Wood turning black locust bowl reflective grain youtube. We have to rip them out whenever we restore an area to make room for our natives. I get it off the ground a couple inches with old boards or small trees. Black locust robinia pseudoacacia is americas most versatile hardwood. The ironlike wood of the black locust once provided strength to the u. Due to difficulty in maintaining a regular supply, wood will not be back ordered if. The larvae of the locust borer carve tunnels through the trunk of the tree, weakening it enough for wind breakage.
I have had the first chance this winter to burn truly seasoned wood, 2 years to be exact. Depending on the size and scope of your project, we have a bowl blank for you. Yes or no its not been too difficult for regular turning so far. Seems like if i want to turn one ne, i should turn it to final thickness. If you are undecided, fritz would gladly give you a recommendation just give him a call at 8887365487. It has white flowers and compound leaves, and the saplings and smaller branches of mature trees have thorns. It is also common for black locust to get a darker heart as it rots on the interior, as this wood is best harvested when young. We specialize in black locust lumber and decking the most durable, beautiful, and environmentallyfriendly outdoor wood choice available. The grain has a lot of chatoyance as you rotate the bowl. Encouraging groves of black locust for commercial use in an area like ours would add a horrific environmental burden. Firewood btu ratings chart best firewood heat energy content. In year 10, every second tree is sold or converted into high btu wood pellets. Browse our selection of honey locust wood turning blanks. Black locust is resistant to black walnut toxicity.
Black locust also has a moderate blunting effect on cutting edges. Midwest black locust your domestic source for sustainably harvested kiln dried lumber, hops poles, orchard poles, fence posts, decking, flooring, siding and manufactured parts fairtrade harvested, fairtrade priced. Black locust is some of the best firewood there is, period. Dull bluishgreen leaves turn yellowishbrown before falling off in autumn. Part of burning clean fires has to do with properly seasoning your firewood, which. Bowl blanks these wood bowl blanks come in a variety of woods and sizes. The negative for wood workers are all positives for wood burners black locust is, aside from a propensity to spit, the perfect firewood and a few well seasoned cords of it will see you through the very worst of winters weather. Once seasoned properly, locust burns with the blue ladies. Black locust does have very deep furrows unless the tree is young.
The size and number of the leaflets that attach to the rachis on locust species also differ. Black locust is a north american native tree that despite its relatively small endemic area has been widely planted throughout the united states and canada for its rapid growth and resistance to drought conditions. When english naturalist mark catesby first visited jamestown, virginia, 100 years after its founding, he saw only the stark ruins of what the first inhabitants in 1602 had called home. Using black locust as an exposed building material natural. The black locust is reforesting much of the logged out areas of europe that have been logged out for centuries. The tree grows very fast and has a life expectancy of 100 years or less. Robi decking is the premier supplier of sustainable outdoor wood products. Using black locust for fence posts is not the highest or best use of this wood.
Navy, while its fragrant blossoms brought ornament to the gardens of washington and. Black locust contains several toxic components in its leaves, stems, bark and seeds. Turning blanks are sold partly seasoned with no guarantee of moisture content. I have black locust that i cut in august, it does not seep moisture from the ends yet it will not bring the stove top temp above 300f. A great tree for producing quick coverage, black locust is prized for its rapid growth. Plant a trio of these easytogrow trees where you would like to block a view, perhaps of a neighbors backyard or a nearby development. My guess is theyve been lying on the ground at least 10 years, i suppose you could call that well seasoned. Turners choice honey locust turning blank turning blanks craft. Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly known in its native territory as black locust, is a mediumsized hardwood deciduous tree, belonging to the tribe robinieae. Black locust is the national tree of hungary and the basis of their forestry industry. A deciduous tree, black locust robinia pseudoacacia was brought here from the appalachian and ozark mountains for erosion control and durable wood. First, you must let the firewood season dry, which allows the moisture to escapethe drier the wood, the cleaner the burn.
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